Our dog training philosophy is simple.

We believe:

Most problem dog behaviors that owners report are actually normal canine behaviors that don't fit into a human household. This means a lot of owners end up trying to fight against their dog's natural instincts.

Teaching the owner and the dog new behaviors improves the relationship, and produces enduring & reliable results.

Want to learn more? Read on below!

Dog Training is a smart move.

Happy Denver Dog Training

But choosing the best method of training for you and your dog can be confusing.

We can help.

At Front Range K-9 Academy, we're less interested in getting into the current debate about the various dog training methods, and more interested in dog training that works!

Our dog trainers are well-versed in both the tried, trusted, traditional dog training methods, and positive reinforcement techniques. Our dog training programs focus on working with your dog's natural drives and instincts to teach you the secrets of communicating with your dog.

Our job is to teach you how to work with your dog's individual temperament to get the best results.

Why do we train the way we do? After 35 years, and 9,000 dogs trained, we've found it really works! If you're interested in real dog training, for the real world, contact us today!

A word about dog training methods:

In today's dog training world, there is a rift amongst dog trainers and behaviorists about the 'best' way to train dogs. This rift is spilling over into the world of dog owners, as well as into shelters, grooming shops, veterinary hospitals and social media.

All of our Denver dog trainers are trained and skilled in both: the wise, traditional dog training methods and the newer, positive-reinforcement based techniques.

We pride ourselves on being Motivational Trainers - working to help the highest number of dogs and owners that we can. Our #1 goal is helping dogs keeps their homes, and homes keep their dogs.

Current terms used about different methods, and what they mean:

  • Description: This method uses a combination of Traditional training and Positive Reinforcement training -tailoring programs to fit each individual dogs' temperament and needs.

    Motivational Trainers reward through praise, treats, toys - whatever works for the owner and dog.

    They also give guidance to the dog and owner for problem behaviors that are destructive, annoying, or dangerous.


    This training method can be adapted to fit ANY dog.

    Creates clarity for your dog about which behaviors are acceptable and which are not.

    Creates confidence through this clarity.

    Often works very well in cases where Positive Only or Compulsion training have failed or plateaued.


    None! - except that this method is not currently 'trending' like Positive Only training.

  • Description: This method relies on the use of 'tangible' rewards (such as food, toys, etc.) with ALL dogs.

    Sounds great, right? But read on...this method has some pitfalls.


    Very basic, entry level training may progress quickly, if you have a food-motivated dog.

    Fosters trust and can reduce stress in dogs who are food motivated.


    Training beyond basic, entry-level skills can stall out or go flat.

    Some dogs are NOT motivated by play or food.

    Many owners don't want to have to rely on carrying food or toys constantly.

    Sometimes, even very food motivated dogs are even MORE motivated by something other than a treat - like squirrels, other dogs, etc.

    This method can create a "death before discipline" mental state in both trainers and owners, who become unwilling to use any method or tool other than Positive Only techniques.

    Limits the information given to owners - and therefore limits the tools, techniques they are taught - effectively limiting the training success for dogs and owners.

  • Description: This method relies on motivating dogs primarily with the use of force.


    Can occasionally be useful only in the hardest, 'last chance' cases, but NOT recommended for the majority of dogs.

    This method has the ability to stop or eliminate certain behaviors.

    Can be effective at creating inhibitions to harmful, dangerous, or high-liability behaviors.


    Can create or increase anxiety, if used in isolation, without the use of rewards.

A word about dog training equipment.

Are there certain collars or other pieces of dog training equipment you're skeptical of? Head halters/collars? Harnesses? Treats? Prong collars? E-collars? Choke chains?

We challenge you to ask yourself why you're uncomfortable with any particular item - the answer is probably because you read somewhere online that it's 'bad' or 'cruel' and that you should never work with a trainer who uses them.

Or perhaps you've tried using various types of equipment and none have worked for you.

But have you ever been professionally trained on the equipment you're questioning? Have you had the opportunity to work with trainers who've perfected techniques and equipment choices on thousands of dogs?

Think about that for a moment. You've probably read a lot of varying opinions online about dog training - but now you're here, and looking for help from highly trained, experienced dog professionals - and we're here to tell you: ANY collar, harness, or other dog training equipment has the potential to be harmful or to be helpful. It all depends on proper understanding and use.

We train with any number of combinations of equipment - helping owners to find what works best with each individual situation. We do NOT believe in 'death before correction' like a lot of all-positive, or force-free trainers. Many of these types of trainers will tell you that your dog is un-trainable, and that if their reward-only methods don't work, nothing will. Or worse yet, they tell you that the use of any equipment other than what they know how to use is cruel.

We believe proper dog training & equipment doesn't start with the dogs. It starts with the owners - and proper education regarding all of an owner's options is the only ethical way to approach dog training. Trainers who limit their training style by refusing to educate themselves in all four learning quadrants, and on how to properly and safely use multiple equipment types are limiting your dog's options, limiting your dog's freedom and happiness, and limiting your dog training success. In some cases, they are limiting dogs' lifespans.

Some helpful, unbiased information about various dog training equipment:

Dog Training Equipment

Head Collars/Halters: Working off the same principles as a halter for horses, these collars actually do much more restraining than training. They DO prevent pulling - by controlling a dog's head. They can be useful for smaller clients with strong dogs, but are not advisable for many/most dogs, because a dog's neck structure, how dogs carry their heads, etc, .are NOT the same as horses, and there is a possibility of neck injury for dogs receiving hard yanks or jerks from a handler on a leash behind the dog, attached to the head collar. Additionally, there is some professional speculation that the location of the halter on the dog is on sensitive pressure points - causing continual discomfort while the dog is wearing the halter. Given the number of dogs we see rubbing their heads along the ground, along their owners' legs, etc. - desperately trying to remove the halter, we tend to use these as a last resort. However, if no other equipment works for a dog, the use of a head collar could save a life.

Dog Training Equipment

Slip Collars/Check Chains/or "Choke" Chains: The most misunderstood, misused dog training collar around. These collars are one of the oldest, most widely used dog training collars. Did you know - they are one of the only collars accepted by the AKC in the conformation and obedience competition rings? They can be constructed of leather, chain, nylon, etc. When used correctly, these collars follow Newton's Third Law of Physics (for every action - there is an equal and opposite reaction) - they are designed to apply compression only when the handler or dog applies opposing pressure and are designed to release when opposing pressure is relieved. When used properly, this simple, ingenious "pressure on/pressure off" system is often all the communication a dog needs from a dog training collar.

Unfortunately, most owners allow dogs to pull continuously on these collars without doing any training of themselves or their dogs before using one leading to desensitization to the collar, along with the potential for injury.

Pinch/Prong Collars: Again, an often maligned, misunderstood, misused dog training collar. While they may look like a medieval torture device, these collars are actually one of the safest options for large, strong dogs with small handlers. But they are also extremely useful for small dogs who are at risk for tracheal damage from the pressure of other dog training devices. The interlocking prongs are designed to mimic a mama dog correcting her pups via a 'scruffing' of the neck. When properly fit and used, they communicate with dogs very quickly and effectively, in a way that dogs communicate with each other.

Dog Training Equipment
Dog Training Harness

Harnesses: There are 2 types of harnesses for dogs - those that the leash clips to from the front, in front of the dog's chest and those that the leash clips to from the back of the harness. Harnesses that are clipped to from behind are worthless as dog training tools for most dogs, as harnesses are actually designed to make pulling much more comfortable and easy for the dog: These types of harnesses actually increase your dog's pulling power!

The second type of harness - that clips to the front - are designed to work much like head collars/halters: by applying pressure to the front of your dog's chest and turning them back toward you if they pull. Unfortunately, there are some veterinary opinions that indicate the pressure points of these harnesses (on the shoulders) can cause long-term injury/damage to the joints, because they limit your dog's natural gait so much. Again, we recommend these only as a last resort - both because they may cause damage/injury, but also because they're not about dog training...they're about restraining.

Just like with head collars, while harnesses are not our first choice of equipment, if they are what works best for a specific dog, they could save a life.

Happy Remote Collar Dog Training

Electronic/Remote Dog Training Collars: There are a number of devices that use mild electricity for dog training. When used properly and humanely, these can be very useful. However, we see them used much too often as a short-cut to good dog training and communication. We require all owners to go through extensive training before considering using an electronic device.

Treats: Yes, treats - you read that right. Treats are most definitely a piece of dog training equipment. And just like everything else, they can be misused! When used at the right time, in the right way, food can be a great tool. Treats can reduce stress, act as an easy reward when you're too emotionally worn out to praise genuinely, and increase your dog's motivation. BUT - treats can also be a problem. They can create a dog dependent on food for behavior. They can be over-used and lead to obesity. They can be a distraction for some dogs - actually interfering with learning, instead of helping it.

The take-away message here is simple: Any dog training tool can cause harm, if not used correctly. Any dog training tool can be helpful, when used correctly. Love your dog? Then why limit your success?

Take the time to educate yourself and work with professional dog trainers who have years of experience in all modes of dog training.

We'll say it again - our #1 goal is helping dogs keep their homes, and homes keep their dogs!