It's no secret that dog parks are popular places in Denver.
According to the Denver Parks & Recreation website, the greater metro area is sporting 12 different dog parks for owners to visit.
However, since the invention of dog parks in the United States, a little over 25 years ago, a lot has changed; and many dog professionals, including veterinarians, trainers, and behaviorists are advising against using these areas.
Local Professional Dog Trainer, Jennifer Hime, has been training dogs in Colorado for 33 years and has the following to say: “As many of my clients know, I'm not a big fan of dog parks. Really, it's not that I don't like dog parks, or the idea of them. What I don't like is how dog parks are misused and can create a hazard for humans and their dogs.”
So let's look at it: The good, the bad, and the ugly of the dog park scene.
The Good - exercise, exercise, exercise
Many dog owners today live in apartments, condominiums, or town homes and their dogs don't have a large yard to run loose and play in. These apartment-dwelling dogs need exercise as much (or more!) than the dog with a big yard to roam. Having a fenced enclosure with lots of room to run is a great idea place to get that much-needed exercise taken care of.
Even folks who have a large yard know that most dogs get bored in their own backyards, and would love to explore a new space once in awhile.
As a way to meet physical exercise requirements, dog parks meet a very real need.
The Bad - all muscle, no brains
While there is no argument that dogs need physical exercise, that is often the ONLY kind of exercise the dogs at the dog park get. If owners are taking their dogs to the dog park every day - just to tire the dog out physically - and offering no form of mental exercise (training, agility, even mental games), those owners might actually be doing more harm than good.
If an owner is only building a dog's physical muscles, that owner is physically conditioning the dog to need more and more physical exercise to actually tire the dog out!
Just like humans, dogs need mental exercise as much as they need physical exercise. Dogs who engage in both physical AND mental exercise daily will benefit more and are calmer, more manageable dogs.
The Ugly - socialization issues
The biggest problem encountered at dog parks is related to canine socialization. Not all dogs are equal. Not all dogs like other dogs. Not all dogs “play nice.”
Worse yet, very few owners know what “good” dog play looks like.
In fact, many of the behaviors that owners label “play” is not play at all. Extremely rough wrestling, mounting behaviors, relentless chase games with one dog being a target for other dogs - NONE of this is “play.”
As puppies, dogs engage in many of the above behaviors and should learn the boundaries of what’s socially acceptable, and what is not.
Unfortunately, most owners don’t know the difference, and don’t teach young dogs when enough is enough. So, we have a bunch of adult dogs at the dog park behaving like young puppies. That is socially weird.
It’s like you or I going to a McDonald’s Play Place and all the people running around on the slides and playing in the tunnels and ball pits are your own age; but they are still behaving like small children- that’s a little freaky, right? Same thing can happen for your dog at the dog park.
In a well-socialized dog pack, play - even rough play - does happen. But the rough play and/or dominance episodes are very short. By encouraging extended rough play sessions, owners are encouraging their dogs to practice dominant ANTI-SOCIAL behaviors.
Then these dogs get to the dog park and impose those anti-social behaviors on other dogs. At best, this leads to a cycle of multiple dogs playing inappropriately. At worst, it leads to fights, injuries, or in some cases - death. Yes, dogs do occasionally suffer fatal injuries at the dog park.
Basically, too many owners use the dog park as their dogs’ socialization playground - not understanding that not every dog plays nicely. And when you go to the dog park, you have NO control over what type of dogs your dog will encounter.
How do you avoid these problems? Simple! AVOID the dog park!
It only takes one really bad fight to ruin a dog socially, and any dog at any time can start a fight or be the victim of one!
If you absolutely must use a dog park, be sure to watch the dogs and people closely BEFORE entering. Is the park overly crowded? Are the dogs playing too rough or being bullies? Are the people disengaged, with their faces in their smart phones - allowing inappropriate behaviors? If so, then it's best to choose a different activity for your dog that day.
This article is reprinted from an original story from 2009. Jennifer Hime is the owner & training director of Front Range K9 Academy and can be reached at
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